Monday, December 28, 2009

Give your tree a proper burial

Recycle Christmas Trees In Spartanburg, SC

Over 30 million Christmas trees are tossed out every year in the U.S., so if you had a live tree make sure it has an organic ending! Many communities offer curbside pick up of trees, others have drop off locations or wood chipping services. Please take advantage of these services your tree will wind up in a landfill where even the most natural trash is unlikely to decompose. Below is a list of local area recycling centers and landfills. If you're not a local look online at Earth911. Another thing people do is throw away their Christmas trees still decorated with lights and ornaments. I know you didn't do that, now did you?...Good.

Wellford Landfill Street:
595 Little Mountain Road
Wellford, sc 29385-9018
Phone: (864) 949-0211
7:00 - 4:30

Or any of the manned recycling centers in Spartanburg County. They do not want people to drop off trees at the unmanned centers—Alba Court and Fernwood Glendale

Spartanburg County Recycling Center Locations
Collection sites open Monday thru Saturday 7a.m. - 7p.m
Attended Centers:
1. Roebuck: 255 Quarter Mile Road (off Old Georgia Road)
2. Valley Falls: 270 Fourth Street, Boiling Springs
3. Cowpens*: 109 Cowpens-Clifton Road
4. Berry’s Pond: 355 Tucapau Road, Duncan
5. Howard Street: 50 Dexter Road, Spartanburg
6. New Prospect: 1650 Edwards Road, Inman
7. Mayo: 1835 Sandy Ford Road, Chesnee
8. White Stone: 379 Brown Road, Spartanburg
9. Hwy 357: 1355 Hwy. 357, Lyman
10. Campobello: 645 Runion Road
11. Wofford Road: 150 Wofford Road, Woodruff
12. Chesnee: 390 Sulphur Springs Road
13. Pauline: 5584 Hwy. 56
14. Hobbysville*: 1493 Kilgore Bridge Road, Woodruff
15. Enoree*: 3080 Hwy.92
16. Wellford:** 591 Little Mountain Road
17. Stone Station*: 185 Gowens Road, Spartanburg

Drop-Off Centers (for recycling only)
18. County Administration: Alba Court
19. Fast Phil’s: Fernwood-Glendale Road

Happy New Year, Y'all!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

“Cheap” can be “Chic.”

Recently I came across a quaint resale clothing boutique for women called Couture Closets..sorry guys, but you don’t like shopping anyway....
The concept is unique because of the opportunity to cash in on old clothes no longer worn and save money on something “new” for yourself! The Couture Closet has everything easily accessible on spacious racks. The garments are organized by size and color, neat and clean, and ready to be worn. When I was there one of the owners, Amy, hand picked a few items that were perfect for my shape and size as well as my skin tone and hair color. For less than fifty bucks I left with a pair of designer jeans, sweater, blouse and a scarf. Did I mention the assortment of hip and stylish clothes that are a brand new line and reasonably priced? It is called True Denim and if you’re young at heart with an energetic flare you’ll enjoy the distinctive look these pieces have to offer. (Check them out on Facebook!)
Amy and Debbie, the proprietors of the Couture Closets, LLC take it a step further for a fee. They will come into your home, go through your closets, and revamp your entire wardrobe, hence, giving you a new outlook on your clothes with a sense of fashion and style that you may not have known!....and you thought you didn't have anything to wear....This is a "closet recycling" like you've never seen. As they so cleverly put it...”its like shopping from within." When finished they take what you don’t want and sell it for you giving you 50% of the proceeds, then the rest of your old clothes are donated to charities such as Dress for Success and Goodwill. After my shopping spree I went through my own closet and returned with some items that are now being “recycled” and I will receive half of what they sell for! For more information and pricing on services they offer, which are tailored to your individual needs, go to or visit their store at 148 West Main Street (where Justin's Steakhouse use to be) downtown Spartanburg, SC, 29304. Hours of operation are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 11a-5p and Saturday from 11a-3p. (hey, I like those hours!)
I have nothing against Goodwill ,however, the few times I have shopped at one I have come away with my energy depleted and somewhat depressed. It must have been the neon lights and the musty smell that threw me over the edge. You know as well as I that those conditions are very overwhelming and takes time to find a “diamond” in the rough. So, why do all that searching for new outfits when Amy and Debbie have the "diamonds" polished and hanging before you at Couture Closets?? So, trade in your old duds for something new and enjoy the recycled you!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


With all the hype on going green, greening our homes and learning about eco friendly ways of improving our lives it makes since to start with ourselves first and go green within. It is true our environment is in trouble and the effects of global warming could be devastating if we, as individuals, as a city, a state, and a WORLD don’t take part and make changes. I say do something about it and do something for yourself.
Last night I had the pleasure, no, let me take that back, the delight and honor of meeting the author of Get Clean, Go Green Ecodiet, a book about going green within!
Toni Toney, the author, has written this book about greening our body from the inside out. Although the book has not been released, the opportunity to be a part of this book's launch and read the first two chapters are only a click away...
Ms. Toney brilliantly transforms our debilitating "so called" food pyramid into the truth of our essence by utilizing the fire, water, earth and air elements and weaving them into an educational component that teaches us about the food we need to be consuming to become healthier. The book explains the importance of a healthy PH balance and is filled with recipes and much, much more! So, get zen and go green within!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mystery Glass

Have you ever wondered what happens to glass when it is recycled and what its next phase of life will be?
How are those old beer and pop bottles recycled? Are they washed out and used again as a bottle or what? Vetrazzo, a kitchen counter top and floor covering company makes beautiful products out of glass. Not only are they sustainable, but they are absolutely gorgeous! Click on the link and watch the video. The company makes the counter tops in an old Ford plant that Henry Ford built in 1930 where they manufactured the Ford Model A! So, they have even recycled a building in the process of their recycling glass! No two panels are alike, which makes them their own unique work of art. If you like a retro style and you need new kitchen counter tops then this is right up your alley! ENJOY!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cleaning in the Green

If you are an avid cleaner of the home and you use chemicals such as bleach and ammonia remember how toxic they are, and take care of yourself. I use to have a cleaning service where I cleaned up to 5 homes a day. I thought of it as my workout. Little did I know I was slowly poisoning my self. Bleach and Comet are terrible for the eyes and lungs and mixed together they make a bomb....BOOM!....Now there’s a mess! I found some cleaning chemical recipes courtesy of the Green Guide. Most of this stuff is already in your home and some is edible too!...So, get busy cleaning the green way! Enjoy your workout!

Baking soda: provides grit for scrubbing and reacts with water, vinegar or lemon by fizzing, which speeds up cleaning times
Borax: disinfects, bleaches and deodorizes; very handy in laundry mixes
Distilled white vinegar: disinfects and breaks up dirt; choose white vinegar over apple cider or red vinegars, as these might stain surfaces
Hydrogen Peroxide: disinfects and bleaches
Lemons: cut grease; bottled lemon juice also works well, although you might need to use bit more to get the same results
Olive oil: picks up dirt and polishes wood; cheaper grades work well
Vegetable based (liquid castile) soap: non-petroleum all-purpose cleaners
Washing soda: stain remover, general cleaner, helps unblock pipes; should be handled with gloves due to its caustic nature. Washing soda is usually found in the laundry aisle of grocery and drug stores.
Pick up an empty spray bottle at the hardware store, and keep those old rags and used toothbrushes for wiping up and scrubbing.

All-Purpose Cleaner
1/2 cup borax
1 gallon hot water
Mix in pail (or use smaller amounts in a spray bottle: 1/8 cup borax to 1 quart of hot water) dissolving the borax completely; wipe clean with rag.
1/4 cup white vinegar, 1 gallon warm water
1 cup white vinegar 2 gallons warm water Mix in mop bucket, rinse afterwards.
Furniture Polish
1/2 cup white vinegar
1 teaspoon olive oil
Mix and apply with a clean rag to dust and polish. Reduce the olive oil if wood looks too oily.

Metal Polish
Copper and Brass
2 Tbsps salt
White vinegar

Add vinegar to salt until you’ve created a paste. Adding flour will reduce abrasiveness. Apply with a rag and rub clean.

Stainless Steel
Baking soda,White vinegar

Apply baking soda with a damp cloth, using the vinegar to eliminate spots.


Toilet Bowl
Baking soda,White vinegar
To clean and deodorize, sprinkle toilet bowl with baking soda, add white vinegar and scrub with a toilet brush.

Tub and Tile
1/2 lemon, Borax

Dip the face of the lemon half in borax to create a hand-held scrubber for dirty areas. Rinse and dry the surface afterwards.

Marble: Mix one Tbsp castile soap with a quart of warm water, rinse well, then dry with a warm cloth.

Other surfaces: half a lemon and dip the face in baking soda to scrub off residues. Follow up by spraying with glass cleaner mix (below).

1 cup baking soda
1 cup vinegar

Add baking soda and vinegar to a pot of boiled water and pour down the drain, then flush with tap water. For more stubborn clogs, use a “snake” plumbing tool to manually remove blockage, or try suction removal with a plunger. To prevent clogs, install inexpensive mesh screen, available at home improvement and hardware stores.

1/4 cup vinegar or 1 Tbsp lemon juice
2+ cups water

Fill a clean spray bottle with water and either white vinegar or lemon juice; wipe with a rag or old newspaper.

Baking soda

Sprinkle baking soda on surfaces, spray water, then let soak several hours or overnight. Rinse with water.

Stovetop and Oven Grease Remover
1/2 tsp washing soda
1/4 tsp liquid soap
2 cups hot water

Add washing soda and soap to hot water in spray bottle. Since washing soda is caustic, wear gloves.

Bleach alternative
1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide

Courtesy of the Green Guide

Monday, August 17, 2009


The green apple...
Many people do not realize the best source of fiber is an apple. WOW! Isn't that great??? No more spending money on metamucil. The green or granny smith apple is also used in juicing and food recipes in The Gerson Therapy.
If you want to do a simple detoxification eat green apples for 3 days and you will surely clean your system.
I spent last week working in the famous town of Gruene (pronounced green) Texas, home of the Gruene Hall where Willie Nelson, George Strait, and many others were “discovered”. Sadly, I didn't have my guitar, therefore I wasn't discovered. (boo hoo)
We had the pleasure of staying at The Gruene Apple Bed and Breakfast. Every morning The Gruene Apple serves a full breakfast where all of their beautifully prepared food comes from local organic farms. They also are fortunate to have the ability to order organic produce and have it delivered directly to their door by a company called Greenling.
In keeping with the "green" theme they also recycle and are currently constructing a sustainable B & B that will not only fuel itself, but their current bed and breakfast as well. The new facility will be powered by solar panels and wind mills! Check them out online and when you stay you will be very impressed.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Majic Mushrooms

Ecovative design is a company that looks very promising. They are reducing their carbon footprint and making some impressive products that will generate changes globally. Currently they produce just two products, however, since the company is creating alternatives to synthetics like plastic and foam, their product line could become monumental as well as endless. Ecovative design has created two revolutionary new products. EcoCradle™, their compostable packaging material and Greensulate™, an organic insulation. I loved when the CEO of the company, Eben Bayer said that their products are made in the dark!! Now, that is seriously reducing the use of power and its because the the main “ingredient” is the mushroom! You’ll have to read their website to understand technically the reasons not to worry with fungus and mold. Only the ignorant feel as though they cant be around their products because of “allergies” to mushrooms. (as I said read the details on the website) In addition to being made locally, it is then trucked to local facilities sold. From beginning to end this product is produced in an eco friendly manner. Eben Bayer, Ceo and Gavin McIntyre, chief scientist are both co founders of the company. They are young, innovative, and bright. I’m looking forward to seeing them succeed as they pioneer their way to a green, sustainable future! Click on the link below and go to their “quick link” section to see videos on the company and their products. Can you believe that someone actually thought this stuff is edible?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Recycling is the new ROCK and ROLL

I went to a music shop yesterday and purchased a pack of guitar strings and couldn't help being tempted by the new guitars dangling vertically side by side...Yamaha, Alvarez, and Taylor. The salesman started getting into his “big pitch” when I had to politely interrupt and confess that I had four guitars at home and had recently sold one on Ebay. I had no business buying another one. As with everything else in my life I wondered does anyone sell recycled guitars? We all know there are used guitars for sale, but what about a guitar made from recycled materials? Well, his name is Simon Lee. He is located in London and below is his website. These guitars are made from vending machine coffee cups, ground up CD/DVD s, plastics from food production, domestic bottles and more! This website is very easy to navigate and quite interesting. Simon is a true artist with a cause. I love that all of his left over materials are given to artist and schools for them to use in their recycled art programs. Even if you are not a guitar enthusiast it is fun to see an earth friendly guitar, one that has not been made from endangered hardwoods used by other manufacturers.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Gadjets to Green

I read that as soon as you swipe the ole credit/debit card for a brand new computer that it is already outdated by new technology developed. That is why it is so important to recycle and reuse. It is like giving your hand-me-downs to a little sister or brother. So, for all of you who have upgraded to a new cellphone, i pod, or digital camera and you want to recycle your old one think about Radio Shack. They have a recycling program that turns old gadgets into green. Personally, I think you could get more money if you list it on eBay. (Radio Shack gives you a store credit money card) So, check out this site and see how much green you can get for your old gadget! This is a great way to teach the kids about recycling.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Edible skin!

Its been a long time since I’ve had a facial, not just because of the chemicals that they use, but hey, I can do a lot with 50 bucks! Our skin is the largest organ, so anything we apply to it should be eatable. I found a facial exfoliate and a body scrub recipe that takes a few minutes to make and you probably have the ingredients in your kitchen cabinets now!
The facial exfoliate consists of 3 tablespoons of plain yogurt, 1/2 teaspoon of honey and 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric. Mix in a bowl then apply to your face. Leave on for about 10 minutes, then wash off.

So you want to exfoliate?
Here is a simple recipe for a quick body scrub:
Mix 6 Tablespoons of sugar and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. (You may need more or less depending on your size and how much you use.) Once you have mixed the ingredients, rub in a circular motion all over your body then rinse it off. The heat of our skin will melt the coconut oil.

There are so many other things that we can use on our skin that we can eat. For example there is an oatmeal bath (pour a couple cups in a warm bath)....mmmmm smooth and creamy for the skin! How about cucumber slices over your eyes....great for those who are on a computer all day. My favorite is an avocado and mayonnaise for a facial moisturizer. And finally, lemon as an astringent. Not only is this healthy for your skin, but if you add a little onion and cilantro you have guacamole!......Yummy!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Blue jeans are GREEN!

It seems I always want to purchase a pair of blue jeans whenever I am out shopping. Rarely do I wear them to the office, so why do I need another pair? I already have so many! Recently, I gave 2 pairs away, then I remembered my blog and wondered what I could blog about in reference to recycling my old beloved blues jeans. After surfing the net and seeing all the crafty things l could do with my jeans..... like make an apron, use one of the old pockets for my cell phone holder (PRETTY), make a purse, or a denim tool pouch. I decided I am not one of those crafty kind of gals. Other ideas were to give your jeans to Salvation Army. Some tell you to get money off your next purchase of jeans by trading your old ones in. Then I discovered "going blue to green"! WOW! This is an INSULATION for the home, and it comes from your beloved pair of blue jeans! "Going blue to green" is definitely cool, and as much as I love the panther... Pink is out! Here is the website with a video that shows the process. Turn your bluejeans into green jeans and enjoy your contribution to the green movement!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Stuff, STuff, STUff, STUFf, STUFF

We had a garage sale yesterday, and I was surprised at the STUFF we had accumulated. I was equally surprised at what"STUFF" people purchased and the "STUFF" we still have. I was sad that we didnt sell all of our STUFF. I guess with today's economy people cant afford big stuff, because we only sold a lot of small stuff. Today we are taking the rest of our"stuff" to the women s shelter. Here is the link if you are interested in getting rid of your "stuff" , but don't have the time to have a "stuff sale". We choose the womens shelter because its a good cause and close to home.
Speaking of STUFF, Please watch this video about the story of stuff. It made me think twice about stuff....especially buying more STUFF! Since you are becoming more earth friendly and environmentally conscious, this is a must see!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Planet Reuse

While I was weaving in and out of websites curious about ideas about how to reuse so much of what is wasted, I found a really neat site that we should all consider, especially if you are in construction. I was curious as to what was available and fascinated by what people are looking for as well. Kansas is looking for a church! I hope they find one! I wanted to give them my house, but they would have to build a steeple. I don't think it would be the same.
A few nights ago I saw a news story where they were tearing down newly built homes because the banks could not afford for them to remain empty. I watched in horror as the bulldozers plowed these brand new homes to the ground. If only they had gone to this site:
This link takes you to a video that is pretty dull, so I recommend clicking around the site and checking it out out!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nite, nite, Don't let the dust mites bite.

If you google toxic mattress and read some of the articles you wont buy another conventional mattress again. You will find there are more chemicals in a conventional mattress than in a barrel of oil. Since the mid- to late '60s, most mattresses have been made of polyurethane foam, a petroleum-based material that emits volatile organic compounds that can cause respiratory problems and skin irritation. Formaldehyde, which is used to make one of the adhesives that hold mattresses together, has been linked to asthma, allergies, and lung, nose, and throat cancers. A memory-foam model was found to emit 61 chemicals, including the carcinogens benzene and naphthalene.
We spend a third of our lives in the bed. That means I have been in my bed for 15 years. Recently, we splurged on an organic mattress. It is certified organic and made of natural latex. After being presented with the price, the salesman must have seen my eyes bulge out of my head, because he threw in 2 organic pillows at no charge. When shopping for an organic bed, its best to choose a natural latex mattress because it is anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, dust-mite proof, and relieves pressure points. Be sure the latex is at least 97% natural and not a 60/40 blend of natural and petrochemical-based materials.
A natural latex mattress provides your neck, shoulders, hips and knees with superior support because you sleep in the mattress rather than on top of it. In an organic bed you wont toss and turn as much and you will sleep more peacefully. Wool and latex have the added benefit of being resistant to dust-mites, which are highly allergenic and can factor in up to 80 percent of allergic reactions. Plan on spending double what a traditional mattress cost. It may seem like a lot, but we are spending a third of our life in it. Sometimes we forget that we deserve the best. Sweet Dreams! Cant afford an organic bed right now? check out this link:

Here is a link to a buying guide for organic bedding:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Organic vs. Natural

I stumbled across some information on organic labeling while I was investigating my last post. I was surprised that food labeling was very misleading. Below are examples of labels that are both meaningful and meaningless. I copied and pasted this information and put a link below for more information on labels.


“100% Organic.” No synthetic ingredients are allowed by law. Also, production processes must meet federal organic standards and must have been independently verified by accredited inspectors.

“Organic.” At least 95 percent of ingredients are organically produced. The remainder can be non organic or synthetic ingredients. One exception: Organic labels on seafood are meaningless because the U.S. Department of Agriculture has no standards to back them up.

“Made with Organic Ingredients.” At least 70 percent of ingredients are organic. The remaining 30 percent must come from the USDA’s approved list.

MEANINGLESS (this is pitiful)

“Free-range” or “free-roaming.” Stamped on eggs, chicken, and other meat, this label suggests that an animal has spent a good portion of its life outdoors. But U.S. government standards are weak. The rule for the label’s use on poultry products, for example, is merely that outdoor access be made available for “an undetermined period each day.” In other words, if a coop door was open for just 5 minutes a day, regardless of whether the chickens went outside, the animals’ meat and eggs could legally be labeled “free-range.”

“Natural” or “All Natural.” This label does not mean organic. The reason is that no standard definition for this term exists except when it’s applied to meat and poultry products, which the USDA defines as not containing any artificial flavoring, colors, chemical preservatives, or synthetic ingredients. And the claim is not verified. The producer or manufacturer alone decides whether to use it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

9 is Fine!

I was elated to find out that the sticky residue from the fruit stickers are food grade, yet the actual sticker itself is harmful if ingested... Have you ever wondered what those numbers on the fruit sticker means? It is a great way to know if you are purchasing generically modified fruit versus organically grown fruit. Here is how it works:
For conventionally grown fruit, (grown with chemicals inputs), the PLU code on the sticker consists of four numbers. Organically grown fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 9. Genetically engineered (GM) fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 8. For example:

A conventionally grown banana would be-4011

An organic banana would be-94011

A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) banana would be-84011

Eating organically tastes better, so look for the number 9 and you'll be fine!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Painting Green for Spring

Once, after I purchased my first condo, I had a painting party. Painting is not so bad. Its the prepping and priming of the walls that will take you for a loop. There were about 6 of us and I had the windows closed (huge mistake). We were stumbling around singing and laughing, painting each other and the walls! Since then , I make sure there is plenty of ventilation and pour a bottle of beer into a bowl to absorb the odor. Now, of course, there is "green paint". Because of its low V.O.C. (volatile organic compound) rating, I can have more painting parties with less of a headache (literally). V.O.C.'s release harmful vapors and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and can cause headaches and dizziness, can potentially exacerbate asthma and other health conditions, and can even cause kidney and liver damage if exposure is extremely high, according to health experts. Some small manufactures like Yolo Colorhouse in Portland, Ore., and Mythic Paint, a Mississippi-based company, sell only low- or zero-V.O.C. paints. For those of you who have decided to use only low- or no-V.O.C. paints, Green Seal, a nonprofit environmental organization certifies products as eco-friendly. They also conduct performance tests that evaluate coverage and how the paint holds up. The group’s Web site,, lists 21 brands that have passed its environmental safety and performance tests.
Also, below are some websites of eco-friendly paint companies that I took a peek at, too!
This company has 4 foot swatches to help with your color desision process. I just took a bunch of them and taped them to my walls, making my paint job a breeze!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Vampire Energy Sucks

I always thought that when I turned off a light, appliance or the TV that I was saving energy. Little did I know that when they were turned "off " they still expended energy costing me money. The term for this is vampire energy because of how much energy that is sucked out and wasted. The biggest vampire/energy wasters are audio equipment, DVD players, computers and cordless phones. The best way to save energy is to replace those electronics with "energy star" rated models.....Yeah...right...I have an endless supply of money, but more importantly, the audio equipment I own is just fine. Who can afford to replace what is not broken these days? For me, it is more economical to purchase the "Smart Strip" from Radio Shack (or any online retailer). It's unique in the fact that the Smart Strip monitors power consumption and can sense the difference between when computers and other devices are on or off. Upon figuring this out, it shuts off the power, eliminating the idle current drawn from them. So, get smart and buy the strip. It cost about $35 and you will see the return in as few as 3 weeks!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Indoor Polution

I've always thought of pollution as being only outside, large cities, behind the old school bus that is billowing with smoke. Apparently, the inside of our home can be dangerous too, especially for the young folks, known as our children! Plants actually clean the air we breathe.
Research has shown that the following plants are the most effective all-around in counteracting off gassed chemicals and contributing to balanced internal humidity.
* Areca palm
* Reed palm
* Dwarf date palm
* Boston fern
* Janet Craig dracaena
* English ivy
* Gerber Daisy
* Australian sword fern
* Peace Lily
* Rubber plant
My favorite flower is the Gerber daisy. That along with the mum are the most efficient at removing benzene. The peace lily and chrysanthemum (mum) removes the highest levels of trichoroethylene.
For the most effective use of house plants research has shown that one plant be allowed 10 square yards of floor space. Sounds like we need an addition to our home...not really that only equals to 2 or 3 plants per room to increase better air quality. The utilization of carbon happens during the growth of a plant, therefore effective in removing low levels of carbon monoxide.
All plants produce oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Thus any plants you choose, in addition to the varieties named here, will increase the concentration of oxygen in their immediate surroundings.
Happy plants=Healthy homes!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back in time on a Clothesline

Not everyone will love and accept you for hanging your clothes in your yard. Some will think it is tacky, but I think it's cool. There is a simple, homey feel to it that is actually quite charming. Between every other article of clothing I like to hang one hundred dollar bills to show that I can afford a clothes dryer, but choose not to in order to lessen my carbon foot print. Ellen and Steve were reprimanded by the neighborhood association for their backyard clothesline, so instead they hang theirs in a screened area of their porch. They save money, have fresh smelling laundry and are lessening their carbon foot print, and never worry about the rain!
Save about $25.00 a month on your electric bill with this little trick!

The link listed below shows advantages as well as disadvantages to different types of clotheslines.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Leaky Faucet

Do you know how much water is lost through a leaky faucet? I am reading from the EcoQuiz Deck from Sierra Club. The answer is a leaky faucet wastes about 2,700 gallons a year at a drip per second. I don't know about you, but I could swim a few laps in that much water!
Water is gold...well, not exactly , as you would think. In this economic down turn water is something to consider investing in. If you don't believe me, just take a peek at where Warren Buffet has invested some of his....(water rights!)...that Warren, he's a pretty smart fella.
So, check your home water meter for system leaks. Stop using your water in the house for 30 minutes, then take a second reading. If the dial has moved, you have a leak. It could be the toilet. If so, shut off its valve, add food coloring to the back of the tank, wait 30 minutes. If the colored water appears in the bowl you need to invest in water because you are wasting it in your home!
Actually, you need to replace your flapper valve. It is a simple fix that could help you save.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Cracks...(and not the plumbers...)

After losing power due to the snow, I was surprised at how fast the temperature dropped inside and how frigidly cold the house became. So, I decided to talk about it.
Did you know that a 1/8 opening around a exterior/interior door is equivalent to a 2 inch by 2 inch whole in an exterior wall of your house? I like that it is an easy fix and one that saves money! Just go to your local hardware store and purchase weather striping, peal off the self adhesive strip and apply it to the inside jam of the door and start saving some cash! Here is the link that gives the step by step instructions. Anyone can do this !
After you do this little project, start focusing on sealing all the cracks around your home because all those cracks total one open window all year round, and I don't know about you, but that is too much to throw "out the window"!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Water, water, Everywhere

On a rainy day like today, its hard not to wonder what we can do with rain that falls from the sky. Here is a link for rain barrels. If you have never heard of this concept, take a peek at them. I think you will love it!
When I Google recycle water here are some ideas I found that I am passing on to you!

Recycle water in your shower. Most people like to run the water until it warms up before getting into the shower. Get a bucket to put in your shower and catch the water so that it's not wasted. You can use this water for cooking.

Collect rainwater in order to recycle water. You can collect it in buckets. Or, you can catch rainwater from the downspout on your roof gutters. Attach a water butt to the end of the gutter or use some other kind of container that will catch the rainwater. You can use this water to water your vegetable or flower gardens. It's good to have in reserve also for watering your shrubs.

Think before you toss the leftover water out of water glasses. When you and your family drink water, there's often some left in glasses sitting around the house. Recycle that water by using it to water your indoor plants.

My favorite little trick is this:
If you drop ice cubes in the floor, do not throw them in the sink, toss them in a plant!
They will love you for this!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Shoe fly, dont bother me!

I was in a sporting good store looking at tennis shoes and I noticed a big , blue bin. When I peeked inside it I knew I was going home with a brand, new, shiny pair of shoes and leaving mine behind to be RECYCLED! I was so excited to know that the shoes in the recycle bin were put into a container and shipped overseas to .......and that was all the guy knew. Some store clerks only know about new shoes and could care less about the old ones.

I would like to think they are going to less fortunate people, and as I see it, they could just cross state lines and there they would be.
"What about the old shoes that don't make to the container for the needy?", I asked. He told me that they are recycled for playgrounds. Isn't it great to know that our kids can be a part of the recycled fun with fewer broken bones, too!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lazy Americans

Currently, I am reading from a deck of cards called "The EcoQuiz Deck".
Here is the question:
Americans recycle half of their garbage. True or False
No need for you to tell your answer if you are a little lazy. The fact is that we recycle less than a third. OUCH!
Most cities give away recycling bins, so that you too can join the fun. Just call your city and have one delivered! I live in Spartanburg, SC and it is rumored that they will give more than one bin if I ask. (I'll keep you posted) Now that I am recycling I have far less garbage than before!...I hope you will too!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Go to Hell, Junk Mail

Not only do your credit card companies sell your information in order for you receive tons of junk mail, but if you are a small business owner, you too, will get more mail than you bargained for.
At one time, I was taking my black Sharpie marker and writing in big, bold print, "RETURN TO SENDER." I have asked our postman to stop delivering anything that falls into the "junk" category. Unfortunately, he could lose his job, and he has to deliver anything addressed to the office....I had a "RETURN TO SENDER" stamp made as well as called the credit card company to request they not send anymore junk mail.
At home, I simply use my junk mail for a fire starter, so I use it to burn the wood Kevin gives us!
In the summer, we take it to the recycling center.
Below is a website with more information:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

plastic bags; alive and well and living in Spartanburg...

One day I looked at all the plastic bags I had collected from the local grocery store and thought, what can I do with these? Already they were under the sink, in drawers and most recently stuffed into a make shift bag holder that was originally a container for decorative lights. Tubular in shape, I discovered I could hold over 30 bags in it! The obvious and simplest solution for these old, wrinkled bags was to take them back to the store and let them recycle them. But do they really or do they throw them away?? This thought created trust issues, and so I decided to recycle them myself. This is my first attempt to going green.
At work we use bags for purchases made by our patients, so instead of spending a few bucks a package of 50 or so bags, I decided to take my tubular container to the office and reuse them there.
At first I was embarrassed to use the faded, old wrinkled bag for brand new products. So, with every purchase I would pull out the old, plastic bag and cheerfully say, "Now I recycle bags", and to my surprise, the response is always positive. My friend Melinda has given me some of her recycled, paper bags to use as well.
If you know me personally and you are reading this please note I am not asking for more bags to recycle. If your urge is overwhelmingly undeniable please keep in mind that I prefer paper over plastic!
Happy Recycling!