Sunday, March 1, 2009

Water, water, Everywhere

On a rainy day like today, its hard not to wonder what we can do with rain that falls from the sky. Here is a link for rain barrels. If you have never heard of this concept, take a peek at them. I think you will love it!
When I Google recycle water here are some ideas I found that I am passing on to you!

Recycle water in your shower. Most people like to run the water until it warms up before getting into the shower. Get a bucket to put in your shower and catch the water so that it's not wasted. You can use this water for cooking.

Collect rainwater in order to recycle water. You can collect it in buckets. Or, you can catch rainwater from the downspout on your roof gutters. Attach a water butt to the end of the gutter or use some other kind of container that will catch the rainwater. You can use this water to water your vegetable or flower gardens. It's good to have in reserve also for watering your shrubs.

Think before you toss the leftover water out of water glasses. When you and your family drink water, there's often some left in glasses sitting around the house. Recycle that water by using it to water your indoor plants.

My favorite little trick is this:
If you drop ice cubes in the floor, do not throw them in the sink, toss them in a plant!
They will love you for this!

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