If you google toxic mattress and read some of the articles you wont buy another conventional mattress again. You will find there are more chemicals in a conventional mattress than in a barrel of oil. Since the mid- to late '60s, most mattresses have been made of polyurethane foam, a petroleum-based material that emits volatile organic compounds that can cause respiratory problems and skin irritation. Formaldehyde, which is used to make one of the adhesives that hold mattresses together, has been linked to asthma, allergies, and lung, nose, and throat cancers. A memory-foam model was found to emit 61 chemicals, including the carcinogens benzene and naphthalene.
We spend a third of our lives in the bed. That means I have been in my bed for 15 years. Recently, we splurged on an organic mattress. It is certified organic and made of natural latex. After being presented with the price, the salesman must have seen my eyes bulge out of my head, because he threw in 2 organic pillows at no charge. When shopping for an organic bed, its best to choose a natural latex mattress because it is anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, dust-mite proof, and relieves pressure points. Be sure the latex is at least 97% natural and not a 60/40 blend of natural and petrochemical-based materials.
A natural latex mattress provides your neck, shoulders, hips and knees with superior support because you sleep in the mattress rather than on top of it. In an organic bed you wont toss and turn as much and you will sleep more peacefully. Wool and latex have the added benefit of being resistant to dust-mites, which are highly allergenic and can factor in up to 80 percent of allergic reactions. Plan on spending double what a traditional mattress cost. It may seem like a lot, but we are spending a third of our life in it. Sometimes we forget that we deserve the best. Sweet Dreams! Cant afford an organic bed right now? check out this link: http://www.thecleanbedroom.com/10_steps_to_an_organic_bedroom.htm
Here is a link to a buying guide for organic bedding:
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