I was in a sporting good store looking at tennis shoes and I noticed a big , blue bin. When I peeked inside it I knew I was going home with a brand, new, shiny pair of shoes and leaving mine behind to be RECYCLED! I was so excited to know that the shoes in the recycle bin were put into a container and shipped overseas to .......and that was all the guy knew. Some store clerks only know about new shoes and could care less about the old ones.
I would like to think they are going to less fortunate people, and as I see it, they could just cross state lines and there they would be.
"What about the old shoes that don't make to the container for the needy?", I asked. He told me that they are recycled for playgrounds. Isn't it great to know that our kids can be a part of the recycled fun with fewer broken bones, too!
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