Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Leaky Faucet

Do you know how much water is lost through a leaky faucet? I am reading from the EcoQuiz Deck from Sierra Club. The answer is a leaky faucet wastes about 2,700 gallons a year at a drip per second. I don't know about you, but I could swim a few laps in that much water!
Water is gold...well, not exactly , as you would think. In this economic down turn water is something to consider investing in. If you don't believe me, just take a peek at where Warren Buffet has invested some of his....(water rights!)...that Warren, he's a pretty smart fella.
So, check your home water meter for system leaks. Stop using your water in the house for 30 minutes, then take a second reading. If the dial has moved, you have a leak. It could be the toilet. If so, shut off its valve, add food coloring to the back of the tank, wait 30 minutes. If the colored water appears in the bowl you need to invest in water because you are wasting it in your home!
Actually, you need to replace your flapper valve. It is a simple fix that could help you save.

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