Ecovative design is a company that looks very promising. They are reducing their carbon footprint and making some impressive products that will generate changes globally. Currently they produce just two products, however, since the company is creating alternatives to synthetics like plastic and foam, their product line could become monumental as well as endless. Ecovative design has created two revolutionary new products. EcoCradle™, their compostable packaging material and Greensulate™, an organic insulation. I loved when the CEO of the company, Eben Bayer said that their products are made in the dark!! Now, that is seriously reducing the use of power and its because the the main “ingredient” is the mushroom! You’ll have to read their website to understand technically the reasons not to worry with fungus and mold. Only the ignorant feel as though they cant be around their products because of “allergies” to mushrooms. (as I said read the details on the website) In addition to being made locally, it is then trucked to local facilities sold. From beginning to end this product is produced in an eco friendly manner. Eben Bayer, Ceo and Gavin McIntyre, chief scientist are both co founders of the company. They are young, innovative, and bright. I’m looking forward to seeing them succeed as they pioneer their way to a green, sustainable future! Click on the link below and go to their “quick link” section to see videos on the company and their products. Can you believe that someone actually thought this stuff is edible? http://www.ecovativedesign.com/index.html
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