Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Going Green means Keeping Your Green!

Going "green" means keeping your green...in your pocket!

 Let me introduce you to Clark Howard!  He is the King of FREE and CHEAP! The link below leads you to his secret saving tips! Enjoy!


Sunday, November 11, 2012

NON GMO Shopping guide

Don't know if what food you are buying is a GMO??
I just read that GMO's cause large tumors!...Now who wants that?...Not pretty.
Click the link below to download your shopping guide for all certified NON GMO product lines.
To happy, healthy eating!!


Monday, September 24, 2012

How to Identify GMO

EAT ORGANIC.....from now on!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Say Noooooo to GMO's


This movie is about an hour long and can be watched for free until the 22 of September.  Its an eye opener and it makes sense and above all...this is about our food source.  This is a MUST SEE video!
Click on the link below


Thursday, August 30, 2012


 This is my friend in Asheville, NC. Check out her book and GO GREEN starting from the inside out.

 Toni, Toni, Toni Has done it again!!!...
Add This
"The word "eco" means, environment or ecology; the word "diet" means, daily fare or a prescribed way of living.  Thus, an EcoDiet suggests an environmentally friendly way of   eating—a daily fare that supports the ecology of our bodies."
— Toni Toney

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


 It takes 13 people going paperless to save one tree....at least that's what my Capital One visa bill says