I also felt it necessary to copy and paste a quote by Jim DeMint that I am personally offended by:
He told the crowd that if someone is openly homosexual or if an unmarried woman sleeps with her boyfriend, then that person shouldn't be allowed to teach in the classroom.
.......Excuse me, but I thought classes were taught in public classrooms not private bedrooms.....
Personally, I like where Mr. Clements stands on green issues. The following is an excerpt written by his campaign manager, Scott West (slwest@gmail.com) :
ON ENERGY: The United States cannot afford to build its future on an ever-expanding energy consumption model: rather, we need a Marshall Plan aimed at implementation of the lowest cost options first: energy efficiency and conservation, followed by clean alternatives….We must acknowledge that wasting energy as we have in the past will not be possible in the future and move rapidly to produce more efficient housing, better-planned cities, and mass transit on a scale never seen before.
ENERGY AND JOBS: In the midst of our economic crisis, the global energy crisis looms large. The search for clean and sustainable sources of energy can provide much more than just a cleaner future. Solar and wind energy represent new avenues for innovation and job creation.
Please check out his website on the link provided above, check him out on U Tube (link below) or call him like I did. (803.240.7268) He is very approachable and very real. If you can't reach him call his right hand man, Scott at 803.312.0055. They will answer any questions or concerns you have, but most importantly vote for him on November 2nd and make a difference!