Thursday, October 15, 2009


With all the hype on going green, greening our homes and learning about eco friendly ways of improving our lives it makes since to start with ourselves first and go green within. It is true our environment is in trouble and the effects of global warming could be devastating if we, as individuals, as a city, a state, and a WORLD don’t take part and make changes. I say do something about it and do something for yourself.
Last night I had the pleasure, no, let me take that back, the delight and honor of meeting the author of Get Clean, Go Green Ecodiet, a book about going green within!
Toni Toney, the author, has written this book about greening our body from the inside out. Although the book has not been released, the opportunity to be a part of this book's launch and read the first two chapters are only a click away...
Ms. Toney brilliantly transforms our debilitating "so called" food pyramid into the truth of our essence by utilizing the fire, water, earth and air elements and weaving them into an educational component that teaches us about the food we need to be consuming to become healthier. The book explains the importance of a healthy PH balance and is filled with recipes and much, much more! So, get zen and go green within!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mystery Glass

Have you ever wondered what happens to glass when it is recycled and what its next phase of life will be?
How are those old beer and pop bottles recycled? Are they washed out and used again as a bottle or what? Vetrazzo, a kitchen counter top and floor covering company makes beautiful products out of glass. Not only are they sustainable, but they are absolutely gorgeous! Click on the link and watch the video. The company makes the counter tops in an old Ford plant that Henry Ford built in 1930 where they manufactured the Ford Model A! So, they have even recycled a building in the process of their recycling glass! No two panels are alike, which makes them their own unique work of art. If you like a retro style and you need new kitchen counter tops then this is right up your alley! ENJOY!